5 Amazing Bible Verses for Encouragement – Motherhood
These are just 5 of the many amazing bible verses that will best encourage you in motherhood. Highlight them in your bible or write them on a post it note and stick them around your home to remind you, that with the Lord, you got this!
Anytime you feel down, depressed, or lack motivation, I encourage you to pick up the word. There are other ways to combat stress in motherhood but this is a good starting point.
God’s word is alive and active. Which means, when you read it, and meditate on it, it will renew your mind. Having a mind like Christ takes discipline. It will not happen over night but more of a journey with the Lord hand in hand.
We are only in this world for a short time. Let us not, as mothers, waste it by being overwhelmed, frustrated and stressed out.
5 Amazing Bible Verses For Encouragement
As mothers, there are days when we don’t think we can get through. This verse empowers us that through Christ, we can do ALL things. It doesn’t say “some” things, but ALL things.
You may want to write this down on a sticky note and post it on a door or use a chalk marker and write on your bathroom mirror to remind yourself each morning that you can take on your day with the strength that can only come from the Lord.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 ESV
When unexpected news comes or things aren’t going the way we planned, this scripture is foundational for keeping hope right where it belongs.
We can not place hope in the world or what the world offers, it is only accessible from God. This verse also comes with a promise. That if we place our hope in God he will renew us and we will not grow tired.
Keep your faith in Him throughout all seasons of motherhood, during the good and the bad.
Related Post:How to Overcome Mom Guilt
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 NIV
Being home each day for the stay at home mom, can get tiring. You have the same chores to do, meals to make, and laundry to fold. The mundane can feel like wasted time but it should be an opportunity for worship.
We must not grow weary. What a blessing it is to have a home to clean and a family to look after. His word says, that we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!
Keep your focus on Him. Turn the mundane into purpose. Our attitudes with our work matters to Him.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 NIV
Do you ever have those days where your emotions get the best of you? Like the whole world is closing in around you and you can’t find a way out?
This right here!!! Remember it! IF you love the Lord He WILL rescue and protect you. Sure, this is old testament, but our God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!
When we love the Lord, we are His and He protects what is His.
Mama, always run to Him when you feel overwhelmed so that He can rescue you.
He is a God who hears.
Related Post: The Root of Anger
"Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. Psalm 91:14 NIV
Let’s end on this one. How many times as mothers do we act out of our flesh and then feel guilty and condemned. Like we know we belong to the Lord but the enemy makes us feel so much shame when we mess up.
Mama, please know that no matter what happened today, you yelled at your kids, lost your temper, said something you shouldn’t have, whatever it is, you are forgiven. Forgiveness and repentance work hand in hand but as a child of God we are forgiven. Jesus died for us. That we aren’t earning our way to heaven by what we do, but by what we do brings glory to God.
When you mess up, always make it right. Your children, family, friends, etc. need to see the Jesus in you. Show them what it means to forgive and what it means to ask for forgiveness. Don’t walk in condemnation with your head down. That’s what the enemy wants!
Memorize this one. When guilt and shame come bubbling up, remember, there is NO condemnation for those in Christ. NONE.
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1
For more verses to encourage you in your daily walk you can use your physical bible or the Youversion Bible App. Always make room for God to speak through His word, because He will if you have an open ear and a yielding spirit.
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