
10 Great Ways to Cope with Stress Biblically as a Mother.

In this post you will learn 10 great ways to cope with stress biblically as a mama. God’s word is a blueprint, a guide, to show us the ways to cope when situations arise and we are in need of peace.

Being a mother, means your life can be filled with busy days, stressful days, and just flat out tired days. Motherhood in itself is beautiful but it definitely comes with challenges.

While the world will tell you to cope with the challenges by having a glass of wine and some me time, the bible says differently. God uses our “crazy days or challenges” for our good. To grow us.

The fire isn’t always bad.

Sometimes the fire is needed for refinement of character. Don’t try to extinguish what God is trying to burn out of you. Although it can be tough, going through difficult seasons, the outcome is always worth it. He works good for those that love Him.

Related Post: How to Get to the Root Cause of Anger

10 great ways to cope with stress biblically as a mother.

This may seem like a rookie answer, I know, but hear me out. If we are not in the word of God and feeding our Spirit man, how can we ever think we will overcome any stressful situation that arises.

We need to have the word of God in us so that in those times when your children are being defiant, we can calmly teach and correct them.

Or what about when your toddler won’t leave you alone for 2 seconds and you feel like the world is caving in on you. Speak the word!

God’s word guides, instructs and rebukes. Sometimes we need the word as a weapon against the enemy, and sometimes that enemy is our own self.

Stay in God’s word mama and read it to study Him daily.

Related Post: Why You Need to Find Purpose as a Mother

Prayer is not simply relaying our requests before God but it is more of intimacy with Him in forming a relationship.

If you are only “seeking” God to ask, then you have it all wrong. Yes, He does want you to ask, but to humble yourself in prayer, to know who He is and surrender yourself to Him; that’s what He wants.

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42 NIV

Devotion to prayer. To be devoted is to be dedicated. We have our life line through Jesus and if we don’t use it daily we can expect not to be prepared for the battles we will face.

This one may ruffle some feathers. It does not matter what denomination you are, fasting is biblical. It still stands today.

If you are going through a rough season and need to see relief, you may want to fast and pray.

When we are stressed out, the root needs to be pulled up. This can only happen if we seek God to come in and produce the fruit needed to overcome. Fasting is starving your flesh and feeding your spirit. If your spirit is not being fed, not abiding, you can go no where.

While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." Acts 13:2 NIV  

You can read more scripture on fasting, but the point is, when you need to hear from the Lord about something, or have a need, or just want to grow closer to Him, you can fast. Fasting is also a way to humble yourself before God, a way of surrender.

Fasting is just as essential to the believer’s life as prayer.

Your flesh, human nature, is weak. Your spirit man must be stronger.

Another word for abide is to dwell or remain. When we dwell or remain in Christ, we can do all things. Apart from Him we can do nothing.

So you see, if we are not connected then we can assume that our lives will be in utter chaos. When our toddler throws a tantrum, if we are not abiding, we will throw one right along side them.

Abiding in Christ is the cure for what stresses us. If we are not focused on Him and our focus is more on our problems, then we can expect to fall.

Just like when Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and started to sink. The question isn’t ” What shall I do to cope with stress, but more of why am I stressed”?

Because if we can get to the Why then the What proverbial band-aid won’t need to be applied.

Proactive over Reactive.

Related Post: Finding Time for Prayer as a Busy Mom

In the word, there are several promises that God gives. Here are 50 promises for God’s children. Your homework can be to use these or others and write them down on paper.

You can cut these promises out and post up all around your home, like the bathroom mirror, for example, as reminders!

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3

When all you have left is to stand, stand firm on the word of God! He will not fail you.

Our thoughts have the power to keep us positive or drag us to the deepest depths of negativity.

When we have a renewed mind however, we are in a constant state of surrendering and holding every thought captive. Good or bad.

How do your thoughts measure up to the word of God? Do they align?

Renewing your mind is a daily practice. If you find yourself in a cycle of stress, be sure to ask yourself. Have I renewed my mind today?

10 ways to cope with stress biblically

What comes to mind when you think of Worship? Is it jamming out to your favorite Christian artist?

Biblical worship is defined as bowing down, out of respect or submission to God. It means to honor.

Worship is not a song. Although singing to God is a form of.

Submission. To submit to an authority. Are you submitting to the Lord this week in your life? Have you surrendered?

We should be living, as children of God, a life of worship. Not just in song but in praise, in honor, in thankfulness, etc.

God is good!

This one should be a no brainer but as moms we get so busy, am I right!?

We put everyone and everything before us and are last to take care of our self.

Putting others first is good, it’s actually biblical, but we need to also take care of the physical body we have been given.

If you battle with stress in your life, I urge you to analyze your health.

Are you getting enough sleep? Eating nourishing foods? Drinking plenty of water and getting outdoors for exercise?

It can be hard to get good rest with infants, but try to squeeze it in anywhere you can so that your mood for the day won’t be based on a lack of sleep.

Related Post:Helpful Advice: Parenting with Patience Biblically!

Where is your focus? if you are focused on your current season or situation that’s exactly where your thoughts will lie also.

From there it’s a never ending spiral down into depression, stress, frustration and overwhelm.

Remember the Peter story? Don’t take your eyes off Jesus, because you will surely drown.

If you take away one thing in this post, it’s that I hope you will make these 10 ways of coping with stress a habit.

Forming new habits takes time. Our brain has to rewire the old to the new way of doing things.

Don’t give up! Parenting and life are hard but if we continually put thought to action we will see results. Be persistent!

God will not leave us in our time of need. Let Him work the ick out of you. Stress has no place in a believer, it shall not overcome you. You will overcome it.

Related Post: Getting to the Root of Anger

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