How to Overcome the “Mom Guilt”.
You need to know how to overcome mom guilt to experience the peace needed in your spirit. This peace, that only Jesus can give, will transform not only your life but your home as well.
When we are operating out of condemnation we can get frustrated, become angry or just down right moody.
Because of this thing we feel, the shame, it eventually grows rotten fruit.
It’s time to cut the tree down!

What is Mom Guilt?
Simply put, mom guilt is the shame you feel after doing something either you know is wrong or you think was wrong.
This could be anything. From losing your temper on your children to leaving the baby at your moms to have a couple hours of quiet time.
In this post, I want to address the guilt you feel over something that happened in the past. You wear it around like a badge of honor when in reality it is wearing you.
The enemy likes to keep us confined. He doesn’t want us to live up to our full potential in Christ Jesus.
What a warrior we would be when we find out who we are and the authority we have in this world!
Condemnation has no place in a believer, period.
How to Overcome Mom Guilt.
Why are we as moms always feeling the weight of guilt?
It has to stop! Nothing we can do will ever change our past or our mistakes. We must give it to the Lord.
All of it.
If we hold onto any of the past failures we will never be free from this yuck of a feeling.
One of the best scriptures to overcome mom guilt is in the book of Romans.
“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,”
Romans 8:1
Now read it again!
There is what? NO! None, zero, condemnation for those in Christ Jesus!
If you are a born again believer, this is for you mama!
When you are feeling the weight of guilt I want you to say this out loud over yourself. Use this in prayer to break off the guilt over your life. God is faithful!
Always use the Word of God in prayer. It’s ALIVE! The enemy can’t stand it.
To overcome, you must surrender.
You have to let go.
A child of the living God is Holy in His sight. You are covered by the blood.
Don’t let the enemy keep you wounded. Come to the Healer and get free!
Seek Him in prayer, fast, worship and stay in the word and I promise you, your life will be changed.

Will the Mom Guilt return?
This is probably coming up for you as you finish reading. The answer is yes, it can definitely return.
But now you know how to fight it, if it does. You are an overcomer!
Sometimes growth looks hard and hard seasons can produce the best fruit in us when we are connected to the life source who is Jesus.
Just remember that you are not condemned as a believer. Whatever it is that you are walking through, God already knew.
He’s right there, wanting you to come to Him, His daughter.
To pour out your heart to Him.
The Bible tells us that God sees His son in us. That he doesn’t see the sinful man we once were but the perfect holy nature of the Son. We were bought by the blood.
“Through our union with Christ we too have been claimed by God as his own inheritance. Before we were even born, he gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart.”
Ephesians 1:11
As His own inheritance He gave us our destiny before we were even born. That is just wild!
For the God of the universe to know the billions of people he has created in this world since the beginning of time and that as sons and daughters we all have a purpose.
A unique purpose through the Father to accomplish His will.
We have to be free from bondages in order to function appropriately in the Spirit to do just that.
The end of this verse also basically says that God gets what He wants.
His will for you is to not live in bondage. Sometimes it has to be our decision to either stay or leave a place.
Don’t stay caught up in the guilt and condemnation cycle.
Be free!
You are an Overcomer
As mothers, we must take a stand on issues like this and fight it back.
Don’t crawl away into a black abyss hoping it’ll go away.
Address it head on, always. Use the Word of God as a weapon. Armor up!
The devil is always trying to find ways to kill steal and destroy. Don’t let him succeed.
If you find yourself dealing with anger because of holding onto shame, this post may help you overcome that too.
Don’t give in to the mom guilt. Shame has no place in a believer.
Repentance may be necessary in your situation but repent, forgive and let go. Sometimes you may need to forgive yourself.
For your children and yourself, I hope this encourages you to let go and let God give you peace.
His mercies are new every morning.
Can I pray for you?
I highly recommend reaching out to your Senior Pastor for any issues you may be walking through for counseling. If you are alone and don’t have anyone else, please feel free to reach out if you want someone to come along side you and pray for breakthrough. Your information stays confidential.
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