
The Importance of Motherhood- Mother’s Listen up!

There is such an importance of motherhood needed in our modern day culture. These days, the world says children shouldn’t hold you back from your career but mothers being mothers is Gods design.

Have you ever felt less than by being a mom? Like you see what you need to do, your duties, but it just feels so mundane and routine.

Or, do you define motherhood as having children but you’re more present at work than you are at home? Or more present with home “work” than you are with your children?

Motherhood is the future.

Now, some situations call for working moms, if that is you, please do not take this in such a way of an attack on your choice. This post is definitely not an attack.

But for the mother, whether you work or stay at home, who lacks the ability to see the weight of your calling, this post is for you.

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the importance of motherhood

I find it funny that as moms we can sometimes get trapped into the thinking of “what is my calling”?

We can go crazy in our minds wondering what it is that God has called us to, like it’s this secret we have to uncover or we can’t go on with life.

Let me help you..as a mother, that is your “calling”.

We have an opportunity to disciple and have a ministry right in our own homes. Stop looking outside of that when God is saying look in!

You are literally raising the future generation!

Be obedient to whatever God has you to do outside of motherhood, but do not look at raising children as less of a calling. Not everyone’s purpose is to be a traveling evangelist going from city to city, and country to country.

Be obedient where He has you now.

Motherhood is Kingdom work my friend. Is it glamorous? No! But it is essential, and it is life giving if you allow it to be.

Remember, Jesus did not come here all those years ago to be served. He came TO Serve.

So let’s adopt that same mentality and serve our families well.

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Knowing who you are in Christ is the number one thing you need in this life. Motherhood is not your identity sister, being His daughter is.

When you know your true identity then you can confidently walk out anything He gives you to do. Whether you have disobedient children, or finances are low and you struggle to make ends meet.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

All things! Ask for strength on the days you need it and He will give it!

Knowing your importance will fuel your purpose to being a mother to your children over worldly pursuits.

Your main priority in this season of life is to train your babies up in the way they should go!

Here is a fantastic resource for all Christian mamas! I love all of her books, they are life giving! She also has a great podcast.

the importance of motherhood

Motherhood is seasonal, constantly changing. It is both rewarding and exhausting. If we allow God, He will use every moment, good or bad, for our good.

You have to realize the importance of motherhood and the need to find purpose in it. If not, you will lack vision for where your family is going. Seek the Lord on this one. You need to know your goals for your children, your family.

What do you want to accomplish while they are with you? Skills you want to teach.

We are the future because we are raising the future and with God, all things are possible!

Related Post: Helpful Advice: Parenting with Patience Biblically!

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