Open Bible with focus on Matthew passage and text 'Repent'. Hands showing, resting on a quilt.

The Importance of Knowing the Word of God for Yourself.

Knowing the word of God is CRUCIAL for believers. False teachers abound these days, even from the ones you would least expect it. You must know the word for yourself. Read it to know God. Not just word for word but in context of when it was written in history. Don’t ever rely on someone else’s interpretation as solid truth but use discernment and let Holy Spirit teach you.

frustrated woman lying on table

How to Rid Yourself of Overwhelming Feelings Using these 11 Scriptures.

Whether you are a stay at home mother or you work, the truth is, we all experience overwhelming feelings! In this post you will learn how to rid yourself of these unwanted feelings by speaking scripture over yourself, out loud even, so that the peace of God will overwhelm you instead.

cross on top of rock

How to Follow Jesus. 3 Tasks to Complete First.

Choosing to follow Jesus, is not simply repeating a prayer after someone and then calling it day while continuing to live the same life you had before. Salvation is a free gift, yes, but for those who believe, repent and surrender completely to God is it freely given. In this post I want to show you how you can follow Jesus using verses from the Bible and 3 tasks you need to do first.

woman with hat holding blue book in hands

Understanding the Holy Spirit through Scriptures. Why you need Him in Motherhood.

To know Holy Spirit and walk with Him in motherhood is key to accomplishing all that God has for you and to bear fruit. The bible tells us that if we are not abiding, we are cut off, not able to bear fruit. As mothers, we need all the peace, joy and patience we can get! In this post I’m going to share scriptures that will give you a starting place for further study so you know who He is and what He is all about.

brown brick building surrounded by plants

9 Responsibilities of Biblical Homemakers.

These 10 responsibilities of biblical homemakers will serve as an anchor as to what the main focus needs to be in the home. As mothers and wives we have a high calling and responsibility to our husband, family, our children. They are our priority after God. In this post, take what works for you and your home and leave the rest but know, you are chosen, called and have the Lord by your side to carry you through it all.

thanksgiving and gratitude

10 Bible Verses For Thanksgiving and Gratitude

Each year it is important to reflect on what God has done in your life with thanksgiving and gratitude. We should enter His courts with thanksgiving and praise daily but it’s especially important for our children to see what a good God we have. Thanksgiving and Gratitude The Bible mentions several times that we are…