Why is the Bible Important? 3 Reasons to Read Daily.

Not only will you learn why the bible is so important; but here are 3 reasons as to why you need to read daily as a mother. We have so many things that are needing attention in our lives as moms. Our homes need cleaning, babies need to eat and if no one folds the laundry then no one has clothes to wear. With our minds being pulled in 20 different directions at once we can get overwhelmed and stressed.
When we get stressed, we then start operating in fight or flight mode and that isn’t good for anyone. It especially isn’t good for our home. No one likes to deal with a stressed out mama in fight or flight mode. Our husbands and children deserve better. This is why making a daily habit of reading the bible, God’s word, is crucial to motherhood.

Why is the bible important? 3 reasons to read daily.
This topic could easily become an entire book. The 3 reasons below are just a small portion but are the main points of the importance of making time in the word mandatory in your life. This is not about a religious practice. God’s word is alive and active, so by spending time in the Word, you are spending time with our creator God. Relationship over religion, always! It doesn’t matter how busy you are, you must make time in the Word or you will not be able to thrive as the mother God created you to be. Click here for tips on how to grow in your walk as a busy mom.
#1 To know Who God is.
Reading of the Word reveals God’s heart for His people. When you read, read to know God. 1 John 4:16 says, “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” He wants to abide in us! When we abide in Him, he does! How amazing is that and what love! I don’t know about you but I desperately need His presence daily.
To know God is to also know His will. His will for you, your life and how to follow it. God has purpose in everything He does. We just have to be willing to yield to Him to fulfill it. Do you remember this verse in the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:10? “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” It is His will to bring heaven to earth and through born again believers. We have a mission! We must as mothers, spend time getting to know God better, deeper, more intimately than every before, especially in these days we are in. Our children are going to be a product of what is poured into them. Mama, get poured into by the Lord so you can pour it out over your babies!

#2 Renew our minds.
The second reason you will want to read daily is to renew your mind. Colossians 3:10 states, “And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.” Renewed in what? KNOWLEDGE. How will we grow spiritually if we aren’t renewing our minds daily using the word of God? Speaking from experience, if you are keeping yourself so busy that you don’t have time for the Lord, you will drown in this life. Your spirit will fail because you are not feeding it. That is why the saying goes, “feed the spirit, starve the flesh.”
Renew and renew again. Don’t sit down with a plan to read the bible in a year. This isn’t a biography or a novel. This is a true living book. God will speak, rebuke, correct and guide you through His word. So if you are wondering where to start, just start. Genesis is great, or begin in the New Testament first and go back to the Old. But before you begin reading, always invite Holy Spirit in. God says those who ask for wisdom will receive and to receive it we must ask. Here are other great verses on renewing the mind.

#3 Hear God’s Voice
This is a huge reason to read daily. I will also add, that if you are too busy and distracted with life it will be harder to discern God speaking to you, so be careful of that. Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” Those words, Breathed out by God, is just awesome when you think about it. He literally spoke the words on the pages in His word through the saints of old.
I can remember when I first realized that He spoke through His word to me. It was a specific situation I was going through and I just happened to be reading a passage that spoke right into that problem area. I was amazed to say the least. (There is no randomness with God, He is intentional) Every time I sit down now to read, I always expect God to show up. It’s not always easy to hear when you’re getting a rebuke but it is so necessary for growth. We must keep growing spiritually and avoid stagnation.
Relationship over Religion.
I hope this has helped you begin to realize how important it is to be in the word daily. There are so many other reasons as well; but for mothers, if we are not focused on God, our lives can get real messy, real fast. If you’re a new Mom struggling to find the time, this post may help.
Remember that this isn’t a task to check off in your day. This is relationship building. God wants us so much to walk with Him in a personal way and be devoted to Him. Jesus established this while on the earth. To save us from our sin wasn’t the end of the story. We have the opportunity to walk in peace, patience, self-control, to name a few. These are musts in motherhood! But we can’t have them if we are not abiding in Christ. Abide and grow. Let Holy Spirit guide you each day and watch what God will do!
Can I pray for you?
I highly recommend reaching out to your Senior Pastor for any issues you may be walking through for counseling. If you are alone and don’t have anyone else, please feel free to reach out if you want someone to come along side you and pray for breakthrough. Your information stays confidential.
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