Could Social Media be the Ultimate Distraction for a Christian?

With so many things needing and wanting our attention as a Christian mother, there is no doubt that social media can be the ultimate distraction. When it comes to hearing the voice of God but the distractions are louder, we must analyze and step back to be able to move forward. And let’s not mention the negative effects that social media can have on a person. Mental issues such as overwhelm, the inability to focus, and comparison disorder are just a few things associated with prolonged social media use according to studies.

Could this ultimate distraction be causing anxiety?
You may be wondering, what does this topic have to do with motherhood? To that I answer, everything! If we are so distracted by our devices as a means to escape our reality each day. How in the world are we going to function and have a healthy happy home? I can tell you God did not intend for us to be controlled by a little box, but by Him! Controlling as in being led. To yield to His still small voice, which, how can we hear Him if we are inundated with information overload. It’s like filling a glass of water past it’s point to overflow. We should be overflowing in the Spirit from the living water, amen!?
When we are having so much information thrown at us day in and day out, we can develop anxiety. It’s true! Studies have shown that not only were social media apps developed to become addictive, they also cause mental issues for the individuals using them.
For the stay at home moms using social media to escape, stop. I can tell you from my own experience that it will cause you so much unwanted stress. Your kids have a bad day and all of a sudden you need to just get away. So you pull out your phone to just scroll the innerweb of social media not wanting to deal. Sound familiar to anyone? That was me!

Distractions Interfere with Reception.
Don’t let social become the ultimate distraction in your life. There is so much more to you needing to “escape” than just needing a break. Problems always have a root in something. Your anxiety, depression and overwhelm all have roots. Social media may be causing these in your life, but it’s not the root. Is alcohol the root of an alcoholic? Deep down those individuals are hurt, burdened, lost etc. As moms, our stress can be from the social apps themselves, or from a deeper issue.
We were designed to be plugged in to our creator God. Now days, our lack of self worth leaves us finding joy in things outside of Him. The still small voice gets quieter and quieter and we wonder why. It’s because our lives are so full of worldly things. We must abide more in Christ than we do our cell phones. To be present with our children and do the hard heart work of asking the Lord to reveal to us the areas in need of repentance. Repentance brings change!
Are you tired of feeling exhausted by your children as a stay at home mother? Bring that to Him! I can tell you, He will change you. Remember in Matthew 7:7-8,”Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” God’s word is alive and active, pray scripture over your life my friend!

Increase God, Decrease World.
This topic really could be longer, so I will continue with another post soon. I think it is important to highlight how tech information is taking over our world at an alarming rate. Tech in itself isn’t bad, it can be used as good, such as utilizing this blog post to reach others. Social media can be used to advance the Kingdom as well if used appropriately. The problem lies in idolatry and spending more time with anything other than God.
Feel like social is a distraction? Here are 3 tips for focus.
I will leave you with a few tips if you feel trapped by social. These were especially helpful for me as a stay at home mom. My days would become chaotic and I would escape in my phone and just scroll instead of escaping to the Lord and reading His word. He is the true peace.
First, I want you to remove social media completely off your phone. I can’t tell you how much freedom I had the first week of doing this! Now, I do access it through my laptop but it has it’s place and I do what I need to do and get off. No more scrolling! My kids have even mentioned how much I am playing with them now!
Second, I want you to give this time. Take a month off social, or more if needed. See how you feel when you’re done! You will be surprised!
Thirdly, pray, get in the word and fast. We should be doing all three of these consistently as believers but if you haven’t done these in a while, start! Watch what God does my friend! You will be blown away at the clarity you have. It’s almost like when your dirty windshield is clear and no more bug guts, haha! You will SEE!

I hope this was helpful! Here are some resources below that I think will help you tremendously if you are wanting to get off social all together and cultivate relationships more in person. I truly feel that social media is replacing those long lost gatherings and in person relationships. It is sad to see.
The Opt Out Family is a great resource for finding ways to go social and screen free.
Global Day of Unplugging has a mission to bring human connections together unplugged.
Children and Screens shows the effects of screentime on children in different age groups.
Can I pray for you?
I highly recommend reaching out to your Senior Pastor for any issues you may be walking through for counseling. If you are alone and don’t have anyone else, please feel free to reach out if you want someone to come along side you and pray for breakthrough. Your information stays confidential.
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