
Why You Need to Find Purpose in Motherhood.

With so many mundane daily tasks begging for attention, it is important that you find purpose in motherhood.

If all you see is what is right in front of you. The dirty laundry, dishes stacked up high and little children making messes, you have missed the entire point.

This detachment of purpose in motherhood is the poison in our society today. Most mothers are more concerned of their careers or building a legacy when they should be focused on building up the family unit focused on the Lord.

This is especially relevant if you are a Christian mother seeking to glorify the Lord in all you do.

purpose in motherhood

You need to find purpose as a mother so you know your potential in the Kingdom of God!

There are so many distractions for us. Speaking from experience here, the enemy will always try to attract you with shiny things.

New “work from home” careers, dreams that are born from the flesh and not the Spirit, desires that are not godly.

I am not saying that dreams are bad in themselves, but if they become an idol, or a distraction from your purpose, they are.

God can and will lead you into things and put “dreams” on your heart.

If we are constantly in a state of yielding then we are more apt to walk out the calling in our lives as a vessel of the living God.

Knowing your purpose as a mother allows you to speak life into your children, the next generation. Did you know in 2 Peter, he talks about helping speed up the coming of the Lord?

We must be consumed with godliness while we anticipate and help to speed up the coming of the day of God, when the atmosphere will be set on fire and the heavenly bodies consumed in a blaze.

2 Peter 3:11-12

So you see, walking in your purpose as a mother, matters. We are here to train up the next generation of God fearing yielding vessels for the Kingdom!

Related Post: Helpful Advice: Parenting with Patience Biblically!

mother and two siblings playing with toy train at home

When you walk in purpose, you have importance. Importance , according to Meriam-Webster, is the state of being significant.

The importance of walking in purpose will turn your dreams of motherhood into reality. When you know each day what you are supposed to do, you do it well.

We as mothers are all called to mother our children the way God intended. This is done through the admonition of the Lord so our children know Him through His word.

Relationship is key with God, not religion. Religion and these denominational things have been man’s attempt at organizing God.

God does not fit in a box. You can’t choose what you want to follow from scripture. He is The Word.

When we walk with God, hand in hand and let Holy Spirit guide EVERY aspect of our lives and in motherhood, we are walking in our purpose.

God’s purpose for us is to bring Heaven to earth.

Related Post: 10 Great Ways to Cope with Stress Biblically as a Mother.

find purpose in motherhood

I’m going to speak in farmer terms for a second because, well….I have a small farm, ha!

If you bought chickens for eggs. Not just any chickens, but free range, non-gmo, bugs all day, fresh egg chickens.

You bring them home, you set up their coop just right, give them fresh water daily and tend to their needs.

The thing is, the eggs aren’t coming. You are pouring in all the time and nurturing but these girls just aren’t laying. They are unproductive.

What would you do? For me, I would have to get rid of these girls and find some new ones because I need some fresh eggs! Haha!

“He noticed a leafy fig tree in the distance, so he walked over to see if there was any fruit on it, but there was none—only leaves (for it wasn’t yet the season for bearing figs). Jesus spoke to the fig tree, saying, “No one will ever eat fruit from you again!”

Mark‬ ‭11‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭TPT

We were bought at a price as a born again believer. Jesus didn’t die for us to just get to heaven one day.

We have a mission! The fig tree was cursed because it didn’t bear fruit! It shriveled up and died.

Not only do we suffer when we are not walking in the calling as a mother, daughter of Christ, but our children suffer too!

This then trickles down to each generation in our family line.

We need more mothers to walk as daughters of the one true King!

Don’t be one that is unproductive for the Kingdom.

You have purpose, walk in it!

mother and daughter reading book with interest in bed

The next generation is depending on mothers who will walk with the Lord.

Let’s start now in our generation to be mothers who will rise to the occasion. Armoring up to go to war for our families, our children.

To show them how they can conquer and overcome because of Jesus who gave His life for us, whom He loved.

To be the light to others and our communities, radiating like the morning sun.

I hope this encourages you to seek God more than you ever have before, to walk with Him hand in hand, in purpose.

Looking for more encouragement in motherhood? Tap to view these posts!

I highly recommend reaching out to your Senior Pastor for any issues you may be walking through for counseling. If you are alone and don’t have anyone else, please feel free to reach out if you want someone to come along side you and pray for breakthrough. Your information stays confidential.

Do you have a testimony that relates to this post? I would love for you to share to encourage and inspire others! Leave a comment below!

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