A Practical Application to Overcome your Frustration as a Mother.
A practical application to overcome your frustration as a mother may sound so easy to implement but is so complex. In a previous post I discussed the root behind your frustration as a mom. Especially if you are a stay at home mom, unless your kids have extra curriculars or spend time with family during the week, you are with your children every single day. With being confined to the house with our young children, it can get really noisy really quickly leading to frustration and overwhelm. I am here to tell you that the overwhelm and frustration can and will go in Jesus name!

Practical Application to Overcome #1. Know your triggers!
When we go through our days as a stay at home mom, we choose how are days will go. We are in control, believe it or not, on how much peace or chaos will enter in. Knowing your triggers is one way to alleviate the frustration and overwhelm.
I have been the worst when it comes to this with 3 children under 8, but when we structure our day, it goes so much better. Making the kids a chore chart is a great start. You don’t want to begin your day with the kids having a free for all and nothing to do. Keeping them busy doing things throughout the day will make the day flow and busy kids stay out of trouble. This is especially true if you are a mom to boys, can I get an amen!
Identify your triggers. Do you get frustrated when the kids don’t take their plates to the sink after a meal? Or maybe they leave their dirty clothes in the bathroom all over the floor. Whatever comes to mind, you need to get in front of it. Ask yourself, how can I get them into the habit of doing said chore so that it doesn’t lead me to irritation or frustration. You are the parent and guide and are responsible for your emotions. I talk more about how your children are not the problem to your anger and frustration issue, in this post here. (Definitely check it out!)

Practical Application #2. Make time for exercise and rest.
There are so many studies out there such as this one from The National Library of Medicine that show exercise increases oxygen to the brain which helps endorphins increase! Endorphins, according to Clevelandclinic.org, are “produced to help relieve pain, reduce stress and improve mood.” So with a daily exercise routine we can help prevent frustration from bubbling up throughout our day. Our bodies are a temple unto the Lord, this means taking care and nurturing our physical self for optimal health and emotional well being.
If you are staying up really late binging social media or watching tv shows, you can expect that walking in the spirit will be a hard thing to do. Your flesh will give you every excuse to be grumpy and moody which will open you up to feeling anger and frustration. Be disciplined in taking care of what the Lord has given you. I can testify to this. When I make time to exercise and go to bed at a reasonable hour, I am in a much better state and am able to deal with unwanted circumstances that are thrown my way.
If you are a new mom in the season of nursing or your baby isn’t sleeping then this recent blog post is for you. I see you. I’ve been there. It’s hard to get rest when your baby isn’t sleeping well. Hold on though mama because this season shall pass and you will have rest soon!

Practical Application #3. Spend time with the Lord.
I know what you’re thinking…”shouldn’t this have been number 1″!? Yes, you are correct! That is why I saved the best and most important application to overcoming frustration for the end of our discussion. Hear me when I say, that you can have all the rest, all the exercise and still be bankrupt in the area of overcoming your frustration and overwhelm as a mother. As born again believers we must walk out our faith in the Spirit. We can NOT accomplish or grow spiritual fruit apart from the life giving tree, who is Jesus. In John 15:5 Jesus says, “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.”
We must abide in Christ if we want to overcome anything in this life. We are overcomers because of Him and Him alone. The work on the cross was not for nothing. He came to set the captives free! That is you and me my friend! Are we going to struggle, yes, but He overcame and so will we! The peace you long for in your home, or in your life can only come from our Lord. You must be walking with Him daily. Practical ways to implement this is by spending time in prayer, in the Word, in worship and being disciplined. The Holy Spirit will guide you to maturing your walk with God, you just need to ask.
If we sow into the flesh we will reap what the flesh grows. But when we sow into the Spirit, we gain life, understanding, wisdom, and all the spiritual fruits. The fruits are listed in Galatians 5:22, “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” I don’t know about you but I want to always grow the good fruit! We must for our children, for our homes, and for those around us.

Practical applications are a choice.
Remember, it is up to you to decide whether you will walk in your weak fleshly state and allow frustration and overwhelm to run rampant, or walk in the Spirit and take every thought captive. Habits must be formed and I encourage you to start today! Stay tuned for part 3 of defeating overwhelm and frustration through reading scripture. With Christ, all things are possible!
Can I pray for you?
I highly recommend reaching out to your Senior Pastor for any issues you may be walking through for counseling. If you are alone and don’t have anyone else, please feel free to reach out if you want someone to come along side you and pray for breakthrough. Your information stays confidential.