
Why do My Kids Annoy Me so Easily?

Why do kids annoy us so easily as moms? According to the yahoo.com dictionary, the word annoy means to irritate or make someone angry. Now, I think we can relate here to this, especially as stay at home moms. We are with our children from sun up to sun down and if you have an infant that can be a literal 24/7. Being with little ones or even older children for a lengthy amount of time can bring on tension and conflict. Instead of agreeing with your feelings on how bad your children annoy you, I’m here to help you get to the root cause of the issue. Let’s dive in.

mother feeling annoyed with her daughter with feet on table while using laptop

Looking back, I can remember getting so frustrated with my first child. I had zero patience then and our relationship suffered a bit because of it. The control to have everything clean in the house, things to go the way I wanted them to and a lack of peace… new mom problems. Things are so much more different now and God gets all the glory!

So, the big question, the why. Simply put, you are in control. The moment you let go of the control, the “what about me” attitude, this will get easier. Your frustration will ease up, and your kids need it to. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” We can not lean on our own ways to solve our issues. If you are struggling with this, submit to Him. Scripture tells us that He will make our paths straight when we do so. We owe it to our children to be a peaceful mama. They are learning how to react to difficult situations or people’s unhealthy emotions(toddler tantrums for example), by watching us.

woman in green tube top sitting on white ceramic bathtub

The cause of your frustration and being annoyed at your children can also be rooted in selfishness. I know that is a hard one to hear. Especially for stay at home moms, our quiet time is valuable. Hear me on this. If you are a Christian mom, but not walking in the Spirit and staying grounded by renewing your mind with the Word of God, you will not succeed over your frustration/getting annoyed easily at your children. The world says self-care, but what you need is the care of God to get you through this. Walking in your flesh will always reap the flesh and all it’s mess.

photo of woman playing with her children

We all want to be peaceful mothers. To let everything that comes at us roll off our backs. This is a Christian blog so my answer to “stop being annoyed so easily” will not work for someone who has not been born again. When we are born again, we take on a new Spirit, the Spirit of the living God. I can not overcome anything on my own, but I can overcome all things because He lives in me. His Spirit can not dwell in us if we are deliberately living in sin. This is an area that you will have to seek Him in. From experience, if you continue to feed your flesh and not your spirit than you can not grow the good fruits of the Spirit such as peace. Frustration will always hang around and will dominate you instead of you dominating it. You reap what you sow my friend.

Your story will be different than mine, we all have unique testimonies. Join me soon in another post for Part 2, a practical application to overcome your frustration as a mother.

I highly recommend reaching out to your Senior Pastor for any issues you may be walking through for counseling. If you are alone and don’t have anyone else, please feel free to reach out if you want someone to come along side you and pray for breakthrough. Your information stays confidential.

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