
How to be a good mom. 3 practical ways to achieve this goal!

Ok, so this title, “ How to be a good mom” may seem too good to be true. We’ve all heard the ideas, am I right? Many of them hit short of the mark. In this post I want to dive deeper into the practical ways you can achieve this.

Becoming a good mom… let me first say, that you are a good mom! You may have doubts and feelings about that but because you’re here, seeking growth, that makes you one awesome mama!

Personal growth can be hard, it can be painful. There will be things you will have to let go of to grow upwards.

The first step, is to admit you need help and let the Lord come in and do His work in you.

Congratulations, you are here which means you are admitting you need to do better and you want to do better!!

Your children have the best mama on the planet for that reason alone!

Look for the freebie at the end of this post to help you with applying what you’ve learned to sustain your growth.

Only up from here!

Related Post:10 Great Ways to Cope with Stress Biblically as a Mother.

how to be a good mom

For many of us, being a good mom means to maintain our peace in situations that cause us to lose our temper.

For others, it could be, being more intentional with our children and spending more time playing than cleaning the house.

Part of becoming a “good mom” is not being defined by your insecurities. If you struggle with things like condemnation, shame, guilt, regret or even comparison, then you will struggle to become the mom you want to be.

The good news is, is that Jesus literally takes those things away if we lay them down at His feet never to pick them up again.

Another post for another time, but you must understand that these will hinder you in your walk with the Lord and from becoming a better you for your family, husband and children.

Related Post: How to Overcome Mom Guilt.

This is of upmost importance to bringing your best each day.

If you aren’t abiding in Him, you are abiding somewhere else unknowingly. You can’t sit on the fence with this one.

Choose each day to be grateful when you wake, to spend time in the word and in prayer.

The Bible tells us to renew our mind daily. If we aren’t renewed, then we can’t be at our best.

The goal being, not to be our best through our own strength but through His. He gives us the strength we need to face our days but only when we are abiding in Him.

“Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15‬:‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Contentment. This is probably one that you won’t find as an answer to becoming a better mom.

When we are looking at everything else around us as better, or at others more superior then ourselves, we will fall into a self trap that will swallow us whole.

The Bible says to not want what others have. To be content with what we have. To be happy.

Recently, I have found this to be very true. The joy had been sucked out of me for looking at things I thought I needed to be successful in life, homeschool, motherhood, you name it.

It is such a trap of the enemy.

Laying this down, repenting, will bring joy and love for where you are in the now! I can promise this for you because His word says so. Our God never fails.

“Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. Let your joy overflow!”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Putting these things into practice will give you the foundation to build upon, to lessen your stress, and become the best mama to your children.

You don’t have to be perfect to be a good mom!

Read that again! You will make mistakes, it’s a part of life. We are still human, but being bought with the blood of Jesus and washed white we are able to overcome!

Apart from the Lord, no worldly thing will give you what you desire. You will always long for more, you were designed that way. Our “more” is God. Without Him life is meaningless.

Once you find your insecurities, start to abide in Jesus more and soon you will be content and filled with supernatural joy!

Scroll to the bottom of this post to grab a free gratitude journal printable to begin your morning with a prayer of thankfulness and time in the secret place.

Don’t forget the less obvious for your physical body such as rest, exercise, eating good foods and staying hydrated.

With Christ all things are possible. You will overcome, and you are the best mama for your babies.

I love hearing thoughts from my readers on the topics I post! Please click the button to send me a private note or leave a comment below and I’ll reply soon!

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