5 Bible Verses to Help you Parent Without Anxiety or Fear.
In this post you will have 5 Bible verses to help you parent without anxiety and fear. It’s important to know the confidence we can have in parenting and motherhood by placing our trust in our creator God who was and is to come.
Anxiety, Fear and a lack of Faith.
Did you know that when you are in a constant state of anxiety or fear when it comes to your children that you are actually allowing the enemy to come in and steal your peace?
Worrying over our children is actually the opposite of what we should be doing as believers.
Fear produces worry which produces anxiety.
When you are worrying you aren’t trusting.
To trust in God is to have complete faith in every situation even when we can’t see the outcome.
Raising children can be so stressful at times but I promise you that He loves those babies more than you do.
He has them in His hands mama.
When worry, anxiety and fear start bubbling up, remember these verses to help bring you back down, keep you in step with His Spirit and bring you peace.
Related Post: 10 Great Ways to Cope with Stress Biblically as a Mother.
5 Bible Verses for Anxiety and Fear.
Related Post: Helpful Advice: Parenting with Patience Biblically!
Use Bible Verses to Rise Above Anxiety & Fear.
The bible verses above you can use anytime fear or anxiety start to creep in. These moments will happen for all of us but it is important to keep our focus above the water, just like when Peter started to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus.
The enemy he can cause us to sink by using tactics to get our eyes off God and on the issues at hand. Be very careful and mindful how your days play out as a mama. When you start to feel the stress and anxiety and fear bubble up, use the word of God to shine light in the darkness.
A practical application for these scriptures would be to use them by saying them outloud or in prayer. You can also write them on paper and tape them to your bathroom mirror if you are in a season of struggle for a constant reminder of God’s promises.
Child of God, He is with you, He is for you and you will overcome!
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