What is a Family Devotion and why are They Important?
If you are wondering what a family devotion is and if it is important to use in your home, this post is for you! The world is pulling our and our children’s attention in so many different directions. It is our job as Christian mothers to insure that the loudest voice in our lives is God’s.
We do this by witnessing to our children daily, reading the word, praying, and worship. Bringing our kids along the journey with Jesus is crucial for them to see for themselves who He is.

What is a Family Devotion?
Family devotions are times set aside or devoted to, spending with the Lord. This can be reading scripture as a family or using a family devotional that has different scriptures laid out for a day to day lesson. For us we have done both. You don’t need to be educated to know scripture, God’s word is alive.
Let Holy Spirit speak to you and your children as you read. You may be surprised at the revelation that unfolds. Sometimes as moms we think we have to have this special alone time with God to hear Him. He is always speaking!
Why Family Devotion time is important.
Like I mentioned earlier, there are so many things pulling at our attention. From television shows, the world we live in, social media, etc. To have a grounding place where we come to hear truth is crucial, not only for us as mothers but for our children too.
Our children need to know what the will of God is for their lives. How will they know His will if they do not know His word?
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.”
2 Timothy 3:16 NLT
As Christian families, the Bible should be the number one tool we use to train our children. It is the one thing that will truly guide them in all that they do. Make it the loudest voice in their lives mamas!

What does this time look like practically?
So for our home, we homeschool. Our family devo time looks different each day. It will be different for you as well based on whether you work, homeschool, or have things going on in your life that keep you busy. The important thing is to always make time and plug it in somewhere.
Some days we let the Bible app play as we eat breakfast before starting our day. We will also have praise breaks throughout the day where I will put on something like Bible beats and the kids and I will worship in song.
Other days, family devotion time looks like reading a written devotional as a family and my husband will lead. Then there is a favorite, that I will share below in the next section, a beautiful illustrated Bible book for kids. We read one page at a time until we get through it all together.
Where to find Family Devotionals.
So let’s review the main take aways from this post and then I’ll share our favorite devotionals! First, family devotion is a time set aside for the Lord. In reading His word, worship and prayer.
Second, family devotion is important for instilling God’s word and truth in our children’s lives. They must know He has a plan and will for them.
And third, your devotion time will look different from everyone else’s and that’s ok. Let Holy Spirit guide you in it all!

My favorite resources.
Here are a few of my favorite resources that we have used as a family.
Masterbooks God’s Story. This is the pretty book I had mentioned. You will love it! Especially if you have younger kiddos. There is a bubble to read for the younger ones and then a in depth page for the older children.
24 family ways. I have loved this book and it lasts for a long time. You don’t have to use it daily but it comes in a 5 day a week format. We use it interchangeably with other resources. They also have free printables to go along with the lessons for littles!
You version Bible App. When we sit around the table for breakfast, this is the app I will use to play scripture. We end it with questions and discussion.
Family devotions are important for every family.
I hope this has helped and encouraged you to begin to spend time with the Lord daily as a family. Our children need a solid foundation and it is never too early or late to start!
If you are wanting to spend time with the Lord as a mother but are too busy, this post may help you do just that!
Can I pray for you?
I highly recommend reaching out to your Senior Pastor for any issues you may be walking through for counseling. If you are alone and don’t have anyone else, please feel free to reach out if you want someone to come along side you and pray for breakthrough. Your information stays confidential.
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Do you have another great resource for family devotion time? I would love for you to share! Leave a comment below!