
What is the #1 Thing You Need in Your Homeschool?

You may be wondering what the #1 thing you need in your homeschool lesson plans, especially as a Christian homeschool family. All of the new and best curriculums are fun and are sure to provide education for your children, but what about the resource that you shouldn’t be without? You may already know where I’m going…

the #1 thing you need in your homeschool

Ok, you ready…? The #1 thing you need for your homeschool to thrive as a Christian isn’t a fancy curriculum, or lesson plan. It is simply the Word of the living God. I am not saying to only school with the Bible, but to make it #1 in your daily rhythm. For us, we always begin our day reading the word of God. It is truly a living book. Our days go far better when we put God first in our day with our devotional time to Him and we all learn something in the process. I can’t tell you how many times Holy Spirit has given me fresh revelation by reading the Bible to my children. Even when the mornings are crazy, the kids are loud and I have to redirect 100 million times, that revelation still flows. Never discount that time with your children. Even if they aren’t listening 100% of the time, I can guarantee they are soaking in something.

a person having coffee while reading a book

With all of the educational topics out there, our children have so many opportunities of learning awesome things! But the Word of God is the foundation to it all. True wisdom and knowledge comes from our Creator. Therefore the Word being truth, needs to be taught. All other things flow from that one source. To be able to know a God who loves is the basis of life itself. To know Jesus Christ as our redeemer and what He did for us on the cross is paramount to living. This is why The Word is critical to the foundation of learning.


Each family is different so I want to share resources to find the best Bible for your family as well as share what we use. The Christian Book website is full of children’s bibles as well as teens. You can click the link and choose your child’s age group to find the perfect one!

Another great one that we absolutely love is from Master Books, called God’s Story and you can find it here. It is a beautiful book filled with stories from the bible in an easy to understand way for children of all ages.

If you are on the go, download the Youversion Bible app for the audio version to still get the Word in without you having to read it aloud. We do this a lot at the breakfast table and discuss what we heard after each chapter. I also love the daily devotionals and prayer prompts as a mother. They even have a kids bible app!

The last resource is simply…what ever bible you have at home. There is something so profound about pulling out the Word in front of your children to witness the reading of God’s word. Our children will imitate and follow what they see. What better way to lead them to God by reading scripture to them every single day. Those moments and discussions are priceless.

My hope is that this will inspire you to think outside of the typical curriculums and lessons that we have to teach. The core subjects and so forth. To remind you what is most important. That at the end of our homeschooling journey, what do we want our children to be founded in. What life skills do we want them to know, to take with them when they leave the nest. The Word of God is the foundation to all of the learning they will ever receive because true wisdom, comes from God above.

I highly recommend reaching out to your Senior Pastor for any issues you may be walking through for counseling. If you are alone and don’t have anyone else, please feel free to reach out if you want someone to come along side you and pray for breakthrough. Your information stays confidential.

If you have any questions, need additional resources, or would like to chat, please click the link below! I am not very active on social media so my followers can stay in touch right here through my blog by subscribing and using the contact feature!

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