10 Inspiring Harvest Time Scriptures in the Bible.
For your inspiration, here are 10 harvest time scriptures in the bible that you can use for the season as a great reminder of how good God is and who we are in Christ. We all have a unique purpose to fulfill for the Kingdom.
The Bible says the harvest is ripe but the workers are few. We have a calling as born again believers to be the workers in the field.
God will do the sifting, we just need to be willing.
Remember that we have a job in spreading the good news of the gospel! Don’t focus so much on your ‘calling”, we are all called. Focus instead on yielding to Him and surrendering. In turn He will guide you in the way you should go.
The harvest season is a busy one, even in our natural world. In the spiritual it is just as or more busy. We must not lose hope or grow tired!
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10 Inspiring Scriptures you will Find in the Bible for the Harvest Time Season.
“A stingy sower will reap a meager harvest, but the one who sows from a generous spirit will reap an abundant harvest.”
2 Corinthians 9:6 TPT
“The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike!”
John 4:36 NLT
“Those who sow their tears as seeds will reap a harvest with joyful shouts of glee.”
Psalms 126:5 TPT
“For you are reaping the harvest of your faith—the full salvation promised you—your souls’ victory!”
1 Peter 1:9 TPT
“God will never be mocked! For what you plant will always be the very thing you harvest.”
Galatians 6:7 TPT
“The farmer who labors to produce a crop should be the first one to be fed from its harvest.”
2 Timothy 2:6 TPT
“Yes, the Lord keeps raining down blessing after blessing, and prosperity will drench the land with a bountiful harvest.”
Psalms 85:12 TPT
“If you’re too lazy to plant seed, it’s too bad when you have no harvest on which to feed.”
Proverbs 20:4 TPT
“The harvest of the earth is here! God, the very God we worship, keeps us satisfied at his banquet of blessings.”
Psalms 67:6 TPT
“As long as earth exists there will always be seasons of planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night.”
Genesis 8:22 TPT
Need more harvest season scripture?
The Bible is loaded with the topic of harvest. The interesting thing is that it not only directs us to the actual way we should reap and sow in the physical but also in the spiritual.
God’s word is ALIVE and active!
We must be in the word and in Him to be a diligent worker for the harvest of souls for the Kingdom.
Choose today whom you will serve.
Focus on Kingdom tasks. Heavenly treasures and eternity with Christ is what this is all about. Building His Kingdom, not our own.
You can find more verses on this topic by downloading the YouVersion bible app and search harvest. This app is super helpful with many translations to choose from! You can also highlight important scripture, read daily devotionals, get a verse of the day and more! We also love using the audio versions to listen to around the breakfast table as a family.
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