Pros and Cons to Homeschooling From a Homeschool Mom
When deciding to homeschool, these pros and cons may help you to determine if homeschooling is right for your family. This post is for the mom on the fence to homeschool her children.
Home education is a beautiful thing. There are so many articles out there that will attest to its many benefits.
As with every new decision made, it should be met with prayer.
There are so many factors that go into play with homeschooling your children.
Do you work from home or outside of the home?
What are your states legal requirements?
Do you have community where you live to plug into events? Maybe you could start your own!
In this post, you will learn a few pros and cons to schooling your children from home whether you work full time or choose to stay at home.
3 Cons to Homeschooling your children
#1Prepare to keep the Pantry Stocked
Funny enough, and I think other homeschool moms will agree, food is the biggest negative to having your children at home every single day. Like, you have to keep the pantry packed, and in this economy, that is no small feat!
We do 3 meals a day plus snacks, and that can add up over time. But I will say, they are getting more nutritious foods with me cooking for them.
Do you have boys? Prepare even more for your pantry to be raided by the hour, haha!
#2 You will Grow, and it will be Hard
With a home education, comes a building of character. Let me tell you, homeschooling is not all happy days and rainbows. Some days its whining, disobedience, and laziness. What comes of that is personal growth for you as their mother.
Do you lack patience? I think we all do in some aspects.
God will use this season to grow you in a mighty way, if you allow it. Growth is hard, but it is oh so good!
It’s funny how the Lord can use our children for our own personal growth.
Related Post: 10 Great Ways to Cope with Stress Biblically as a Mother.
#3 Not as much “Me” time as a Mother
Me time went out the window. While your friends are getting house work done uninterupted while their kids are at school, you are elbow deep in lesson planning, character training, and teaching. Plus all the housework.
BUT…I can promise you, that it is WORTH every minute of that me time you didnt get for that day. (psst. homeschool moms do get some me time.)
If done right, this could or could not be a problem for you. Abiding in the Lord will really help get through the tough days.
It is an adjustment if you are used to spending the day in quiet while your children are at school but think of all those hours you get back with them!
3 Pros to Homeschooling
#1 Having God’s Word as the Foundation
Using God’s word as the foundation in every lesson is going to be the number one pro to homeschooling your children.
Having that control, to use materials, curriculums that you want to nurture their character and build their foundation on God will be exactly what they need when they enter into the world as a young adult.
Sure, all of the other subjects are great to know, but God’s word will be the driving force for all the things.
Knowing the will of God on their lives is of utmost importance.
Related Post: 3 Affordable Christian Curriculums and Resources
#2 The Gift of a Customized Education
Another great reason to educate from home is you are able to give your child a customized learning plan.
When the system is pushing medicine for children to sit still in the classroom, you can choose a curriculum that will actually help him/her grow into the unique person that they are without extinguishing their fire.
Everyone is different and with homeschooling, the cookie cutter method goes out the window.
The child who struggled in the school system will now flourish because of the customized education that you have allowed them to have.
#3 Family bonding and life skills.
When you talk to a veteran homeschool mom about what the best curriculum to use, you will find that the majority will tell you, it’s not about a curriculum at all.
Homeschooling is about forming close relationships with your children as a family unit. Unbreakable ties.
The benefits of learning important life skills that they will take with them when they leave home. Sure, kids who go to school will learn these too, but homeschool kids will be able to use these skills so much more often and become proficient.
Not to mention, starting early in whatever it is that God will have them do in life.
Such as a baker or a photographer. They can have perfected their craft before even finishing high school.
There are so many things to learn and more time in their days while being at home.
Homeschooling is a choice you get to make
Did you know working moms home educate!? Yes! I can’t speak directly to that since I am a stay at home mom but I know several ladies who work and homeschool when they get home. Or they have part time shifts and their family watches the kids until they can get home for lessons. It’s possible!
The beauty of this is, we have the freedom to decide in our country of the USA! We choose what our children will learn, not a system. And for a family set apart for the Glory of God this is HUGE!
Whether you decide to homeschool or not, just know that with prayer God will guide you. It’s more about what He wants than what we want as mothers.
His will over ours everytime.
You could have amazing schools in your area and choose to keep them in school or decide to take back your children for the few years we have with them and be intentional.
The choice is always yours.
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