
3 Tips to Help Balance Motherhood and Marriage well in the Season of Littles.

In the season of littles under 5, it can be hard to balance motherhood and marriage well. You are constantly being pulled in multiple directions all day long by your toddler, younger children and nursing baby. It’s no reason we are exhausted at the end of our day and our husband’s get the short end of the stick. In this post you will learn a few tips to help you keep that spark going and the relationship with your husband fueled and growing!

Let’s say…You’re a stay at home mom of 3. You have an newborn, a 2 year old and a 5 year old. The newborn is basically attached to you all day and the other two are within arms distance the rest of it. Motherhood is a BEAUTIFUL thing and a high calling on your life. You love it but some days are also hard and you feel like you just can’t “mom”.

Your husband gets home after a super long day and as he comes in the door, you barely make eye contact as you’re finishing up supper because you are trying to get done so that the “noisy ones” can get food in their bellies and pipe down.

The rest of the evening you are partners in a game of “bath and bed” where you tag team until it’s finished….. but wait! You still need your own shower and the newborn doesn’t want to let you go. You finally rush through your shower while hearing your sweet infant scream and finally crawl in bed. Lights out. You fall asleep before your husband enters the room.

Does this sound familiar?

Well, if this cycle continues, the distance between you and your husband while being a busy mother could weaken your marriage and lead to burnout. Let’s discuss some tips to help!

Helpful Post: Parenting with Patience Biblically!

motherhood and marriage

Balancing Motherhood and Marriage well in the Season of Littles. 3 Tips to Help!
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  • Communication is key in any relationship but especially in a marriage. The last thing you want your husband to think is that you are no longer in love with him and can’t stand him. HA!

    Babies and children will have all your attention. Let him know what you are feeling, that you still need his opinion on things and want him around, not just for dirty diaper changes!

    However you two communicate, be open and honest and raw about how crazy life is in this season but that you still are just in love with him as before, if not more. 😉

    He needs to hear it from you.

    Whether it is a hug when he comes in from work, or a kiss, or a little flirty thing, don’t let those little things go! Just because you are a worn out mother doesn’t mean that your relationship has to take the back burner.

    Of course, these little things will look different in all seasons of motherhood, but just let your husband know he is wanted and appreciated. Don’t go too many days without giving him some undivided attention.

    Keep your relationship growing.

    Ok, from experience here. Date nights don’t always have to look like an evening dressed to the nines at your favorite restaurant. Let’s be real. Some times you won’t have a sitter. Some times you will look a hot mess because your infant keeps you up all night and you wonder if life will ever get back to normal.

    Pssst. It will , kinda. lol.

    For those seasons when you can’t leave the house, have time with your husband in other ways. Such as, playing a board game when the kids are in bed, watching a movie with some yummy snacks, or just visiting over candle light about your vision for your family.

    Ideas are endless, keep them simple.

    If you have a sitter, make time to get out without the kids at least once a month or so.

    Date day or night – in or out – just make it simple and be creative!

    Lastly, but most important is to keep God at the center of your marriage and in being a mama. Without the Lord, you are sure to fail in both. Pray for your spouse, pray for your marriage, pray for your strength and pray with each other.

    Taking time to communicate, showing up for your husband in the little things and choosing to spend one on one time together will ensure that even in the busy season of raising little ones, your relationship will flourish!

    God at the center, husband and then children. In that order.

    Blessings to a fulfilled life mama, you got this!

    Check out Focus on the Family for more great helpful tips on a Healthy Marriage.

    Having trouble staying in the word?? To grow good fruit you must abide in Him. Scroll to the bottom of this page to grab a free daily journal entry printable that will help you, as a busy mama, stay on track to spiritual growth!

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