Mom Anger. 5 Scriptures to Help you Overcome.

Mom anger is a real thing and it can be hard to navigate it as a Christian. In this post you will find scriptures to help you in overcoming mom anger and how to use them. Don’t let the enemy keep you in a constant state of defeat. Armor up, and fight back!

As someone who has battled this, I am not writing as someone who has arrived. There are still days when I fail but I have finally found the way to fight back against it. Anger in itself is not sinful. Read that again. I think as Christians we can make the little things into big things when they were never a thing to begin with.

If you ever get angry at your children, that is a completely normal response. It is what you do with that anger that matters.

Do you have a hard time walking away from heated situations? Do you throw things out of rage? Have you yelled and screamed at your kids because you had enough?

Been there and done that!

Before we get into scripture that can help you overcome the sin that comes out of our normal emotional response-anger, I want to mention a few things.

There can be a physical response in our bodies to why we are reacting this way. It is not always spiritual. Ask yourself these questions…

Are you getting enough sleep? Hormones in check? Eating healthy and taking your supplements regularly? Giving time for yourself for fun activities?

You can’t pour from an empty cup mama.

If you have run your physical self ragged and in a constant state of fight or flight, you can be sure that you will have outbursts toward your children. Like 100%. You won’t be able to have patience with them and will lack self control.

Now, let’s look at the spiritual side of things.

Are you abiding in Jesus? How is your prayer life? Do you need deliverance? Are you truly born again? Do you have Holy Spirit? Are you in the Word daily?

These things are SUPER important to maintaining your emotions in a healthy way. Both the physical and spiritual. Like 2 sides of a coin but the same coin, the physical and spiritual are important to pay attention to. You can’t have one and not the other.

It’s a balance.

Related Post: From Overwhelm to Peace

I used to think something was seriously wrong with me, that I was doing all the things the Word told me to do and the preacher told me to do but I wasn’t producing the fruit I wanted as a mom with my kids. Now that I fully understand the dying of self daily, I get it. We can’t live in perfection nor are we living in sin if we are born again.

You are not a sinner living under grace daily. If you have been washed in the blood of Jesus, you are a new creation! Don’t let the enemy trick you to thinking you aren’t good enough or that you’re a bad mom.

You just need to fight your flesh! An amazing book that goes over this in more detail is The Adversary. He talks about the constant war with our flesh and how we must stay prayed up. Partner with Holy Spirit!

mom anger

This is a subject that could be probed further but I will save you the time since I know you came here for the specific scriptures. We are busy mamas!

And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galations 5:24

Let this remind you, born again believer, that your flesh has been crucified with Jesus!

I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:3

Where we are weak, He is strong through us! Ask for strength!

But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3

He is faithful to protect us!

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

Use this to remind the enemy of who’s you are mama!

Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

A command with a promise!

You can pray these, say them out loud, write them down and then tape them up around the house to remind you in the moments when you need His word the most.

When you are going through a season of irritability or frustration there is always a root to it. This root can be spiritual or physical.

Related Post: How to get to the Root of Anger

There are things that can be off in our physical bodies that don’t necessarily have any thing to do with our spiritual health. Things like sleep, chemical imbalances, hormonal fluctuations etc. can have a negative effect on our mood.

As mothers, especially those of us with young children, it is a CONSTANT battle every day in the flesh. Staying in the Spirit and not of the flesh is a choice we have to make everyday. Spiritually healthy adults will produce emotionally healthy children that will one day be adults themselves.

If we are always neglecting being with Jesus and filling our lives with other things, we can be sure that the flesh will rise up within us and all of it’s baggage.

Use these verses to help you, to encourage you and to keep you on the narrow path. Don’t let satan get a foothold in your anger. Anger is ok, it’s a normal emotion, the sin that comes from it is not.

And one more thing, do not ever feel ashamed if you “mess up” because you yelled or let rage take over. Ask for forgiveness, repent, and move on. Shame does not come from the Lord!

Take care of yourself both physically and spiritually, stay in the word and in constant prayer. He is with you!

Having trouble staying in the word?? To grow good fruit you must abide in Him. Scroll to the bottom of this page to grab a free daily journal entry printable that will help you, as a busy mama, stay on track to spiritual growth!

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