How to Fight Spiritual Battles and Claim Freedom.

how to fight spiritual battle and claim freedom

So how do we fight spiritual battles and claim freedom? As believers we shouldn’t be walking around in bondage. Are you ready to be free from it once and for all and claim freedom? It wasn’t until recently that Holy Spirit gave me a revelation.

We can’t walk both in freedom and bondage at the same time.

Those two can not coexist. If you are holding on to bondage you will not be successful in the spiritual war that is waged daily. Freedom will allow you to walk in purpose for the will of God on your life.

You can choose to fight your battles in your own way, with the counterfeit tools of the world OR you can choose to fight with the Sword of the Spirit and put on the armor of God and sever the neck of the enemy.

There is so much noise on how mothers should spend their time so that they can pour from a full cup. I’ll be honest and say while those things may be helpful in a season, they are not everlasting. The fun times, new shiny things and the feel good emotion tied to those are fleeting.

They can almost be a cover up for the root issue. Rest. True rest. Only our heavenly Father can give us that and only His armor can truly deflect things like depression, sadness, grief, exhaustion etc.

How will you fight your battles? I can tell you that you will never win in your own strength. Armor up mamas!

Armor up for your family and those around you. You may not know but your children are watching how you respond to every situation.

Are you reacting to problems or are you already walking in the Spirit, prepared for the attack of the enemy? We have to be connected to the life source to flourish, to thrive.

Spending time with the Lord daily will renew you and your mind.

We fight the attack of the enemy with the Word of God and with prayer. You must fight a spiritual battle in the Spirit, never the flesh. Study the verses below and prepare yourself by putting the armor of God on daily.

Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.”
Ephesians 6:11 NLT

“Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.”
Ephesians 6:13 NLT

“Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
Ephesians 6:17 NLT

I hope this was helpful to you. As always, yield to Holy Spirit and He will guide you to the right thing in any situation you find yourself in.

I highly recommend reaching out to your Senior Pastor for any issues you may be walking through for counseling. If you are alone and don’t have anyone else, please feel free to reach out if you want someone to come along side you and pray for breakthrough. Your information stays confidential.

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