7 Tips on How to Raise Godly Children in a Secular World.
It can be a challenge to raise Godly children in a secular world but this post will show you tips on how to make that possible. You mama, are the gatekeeper to your home and can decide what comes in and what goes out. It is our job as parents to lay the foundation of who God is and lead by example.
Godly Children in a Secular World
There are many challenges in raising Christian children in today’s culture that counteract everything that God’s word says. The world is pulling our kids in it’s direction of self gratification, greed, power, lust and the list goes on.
It is so important to be intentional, especially in the younger years to ground our children in God’s word. For them to know His word means they can fight the enemy later in life using the armor of God.
In this post you will learn ways you can secure their foundation but also know that God has your kids. He loves them more than you do mama! So as you walk this out in the “raising” seasons of littles, in the days of teaching and correcting, just know that Holy Spirit is a far better teacher than we are and we can rest in the promises of God.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Related Post: Helpful Advice: Parenting with Patience Biblically!

7 Ways you can Raise Godly Children
Lead by Example
You know the saying, monkey see monkey do? Well, much like this game, kids copy the behavior of their parents or siblings. This is especially true for the younger kiddos, but it is also relevant for older ones as well. They are ALWAYS watching!
Let us lead by example what Jesus taught us by showing them love, being patient with them and forgiving them daily. Every. Single. Day.
They learn by watching us and listening to what we say.
Another way to lead in your home is to prioritize time in God’s word and spiritual growth, not only for you but for them.
A great Christian resource for families wanting to parent biblically, that you may want in your mama toolkit, is Focus On the Family.
Make God’s Word your Map
There will be media and books galore floating around in your child’s environment constantly. Unless of course you don’t own a tv or never visit the library, lol.
It is incredibly important that your children understand fallacy from truth when they discover new materials. Books that teach evolution, an earth that has beginnings contrary to God’s creation story in Genesis etc.
If your children have a good foundation built upon the word of God, they will be able to point out facts from opinions. Memorizing scripture is a great way to instill the truth of God in their little hearts. The Holy Spirit can bring these to mind for them when they go through life encountering the world and all the mess that is apart of it.
The word of God is their sword and they must learn how to use it. We don’t memorize verses for the sake of a reward but to use as a tool, our spiritual armor, to fight the attacks of the enemy and to be able to discern when we come into contact with false prophets.
You can find great resources for family devotions here. These are a great way to get in the word with all ages each day in your home.
Make Prayer Priority
Teach your children to pray! This is of utmost importance. If they are not ready yet, it’s ok. Lead them by your example.
Let them see their mama praying out loud!
Establishing prayer times during the day can help you all pause and praise the Lord with thankfulness. Include prayer throughout your day, not just at meal times.
If you’re driving down the road and pass a speeding ambulance, for example, tell your kiddos “ok, let us pray for whoever is hurt”. If someone in the family is sick, let them see you lay hands on them and pray healing!
Pray without ceasing! Prayer is a weapon against the enemy, and they need to know that!
Teach them to Stand Firm
There are several ways to teach them to stand firm in their faith. One is to know the word of God. You can do this through apologetics, so they know how to defend their faith with confidence.
Another way is to discuss real word situations that may arise in their lives, age appropriate of course, and how to respond. What does the bible say about these situations?
Helping them understand their identity and who God created them to be, to walk in His will is so crucial to their development, not only as a person but as a future follower of Christ.
The world will tell them who they aren’t, make sure you tell them who God says they are!
Be Intentional About Who you Hang Around
Being intentional about who you allow your children to be around will influence their behavior as well as their mindset. You can see how important that is in raising Godly Children in a secular world.
Surround your kiddos with other Christian influences to mentor and teach and lead them. Someone they can be proud to look up to. Someone that will not lead them astray.
As the parent, encourage them in the importance of Godly relationships but that we must always be kind to the lost as well. According to Paul, we must have close Godly relationships to hold us accountable and to encourage us.
Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”
1 Corinthians 15:33
Set Boundaries on Screens & Media
One of THE best things you can do for your children is to limit screens. Most of what comes through them can be misleading and often go against the biblical world view that we want to instill in them.
Set boundaries on what shows they are allowed to watch. The bible tells us to guard our hearts and minds. Make sure what is going in will produce goodness and not deceit or bad behavior.
There are many shows that claim to be Christian that have anit-christian views so use discernment there too. Choosing to allow TV time and screen time will be up to you but just know that what they see and hear will make a lasting impression on their lives.
Model this same behavior for them to see. Keep your phone away unless needed and don’t make tech an idol or something you use to pass the time. There are so many other things kids can do besides watching television. Books, games, crafts, outdoor play etc.
There is no judgement here if you use the screens, we do as well, but limiting them and choosing what they watch is so important to their growth.
Serving and staying Humble
One of the things that kids can fall into is having pride. We can sometimes go overboard as moms to give them a pat on the back and give them gifts and such. These things are not wrong at all but we want to make sure we are not feeding into pride.
Pride can be dealt with by correcting it with humility. Allow your children to serve others and teach them that we are to love others as ourself. They can help a sibling do a chore, send a letter to a loved one, buy a gift for a friend etc. Teach them to seek others over themselves, to serve.
Another way to teach service and humility is reading through the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) to show them what Jesus did and how he treated other people. Even the ones who are not like us need to be shown love through our actions.
These traits of serving and humility will be the foundation they need to get them through this crazy world one day. It is sometimes hard to be kind to those who hurt us but it is who we are as Christians.
We are in this world but not of it.
Related Post: 9 Scriptures to Pray over your Children.
Points to Remember
Mama, you are not alone in raising your kids in a secular world. The moment you became a mother is the moment you were giving a new mission. To raise your babies up and disciple them in Christ Jesus.
We must not give up or give in. Stay prayed up at all times because the enemy will want your babies. He is the lion that devours.
Lead them, nurture them, correct them when they fall, and remember to give them as much grace as God has and is giving you. We are the physical protectors that our children need to combat what the world throws at them but we have a God on our side who can defeat any enemy.
Let us remain steadfast and immovable on the word of God allowing Holy Spirit to come in and lead us and our families. Let us use our spiritual weapons to defeat the darkness that wants to swallow our children.
To the born again, you are a mighty warrior of God-Armor Up!
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
galations 6:9
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