From Overwhelm to Peace for the Stay at Home Mom. 3 tips to Win the Battle.
In this post you will learn ways to go from overwhelm to peace. Being a stay at home mom will bring it’s challenges but what you do with those challenges will determine the status of your environment in the home and in your mind.
There are a million things we have to do daily. Laundry, dishes, dirty floors and dirty hands and the list goes on. The littlest things can set us off and overwhelm us quick. Especially if we are dealing with major life events…or hormones.
Sometimes it can be hard to let go of things to receive peace. Jesus tells us that his burden is light but somehow we can’t seem to put ours down to pick his up.
If you don’t know Jesus, this post will still be for you, to help you let go of things to give your mind peace. But I will say, for me especially, that He is the true source of my peace and that if I don’t abide in Him daily, I can become a hot mess express. And because of this, this post will reflect solutions that involve Him.

Overwhelm to Peace.
Let’s chat about 3 things that can make our “overwhelm” of situations worse and what to do about them. There are always going to be things vying for our attention and control to let loose of. Once we as mamas, figure these out and set boundaries for ourselves, the overwhelm will take a back seat and peace will come in.
Letting go of Control
There will be things in this life that you will have control over, such as dinner planning, shopping for clothes and when you will work on house chores for the day, to name a few.
When things get out of hand is when we try to control every situation when there is nothing we can do about it. Control that is held onto can produce extreme fear, anxiety, depression and more.
The things that are literally out of our control, we MUST let go of. For me, I meet those things with surrender & prayer. Worry isn’t good for anyone. When we let go and let God do His thing, the stress of that situation will literally fall off our shoulders.
As mamas, it can be so hard to see things like a family member going through a severe sickness, or financial troubles hitting out of nowhere but we must remember to remain calm, and pray through it. To surrender our worries, our doubts, our fears at the cross of Jesus and pick up peace.
The enemy wants you overwhelmed, spinning out of control, screaming at your children because life is so demanding and uncertain at times. Don’t give in. Stand your ground.
Pray, Fast, seek the Lord and surrender your need to control.
Related Post: 10 Great Ways to Cope with Stress Biblically as a Mother
Too Much Busy, not Enough Quiet
Another reason we as moms seem overwhelmed is that we have too many irons in the fire.
From sports practice for our kids, to extracurriculars during the week, too much of a good thing is a bad thing.
You must pace yourself and know your limits. If something is stressing you out or overwhelming you and it is something that you can control, remove yourself from it. This goes for homeschool moms who want their kids in all the things! You can only do so much.
Make boundaries for what you will allow and won’t allow when it comes to your to do list. This is SUPER important. And even for your children. Think of them as well when it comes to extra activities. Kids can get overwhelmed too by going too much so take note on their behavior during the busy season.
Less busy more stillness will bring you peace. Overwhelm can stem from having too full of a plate so just keep that in mind as you navigate overcoming this stressful response.
Related Post: 3 Tips to Be More Present with your Children.
Set a Rhythm
Kids love schedules or rhythms in the day. They come to know what to expect.
You may be wondering what this has to do with your overwhelm. Well, when chaos in the house gets to be too much to handle with bad bahavoirs and flying by the seat of your pants you may want to consider routines in your days.
When there are routines then the children can learn what is expected from them which in turn creates a more streamlined day, less crazy and more peace for you as a mama!
Whether you homeschool or not, you can set expectations for your children to accomplish certain tasks, check off chores and have free play. No schedule means you will probably deal with sibling fights even more so than you are now and kids running around not knowing what to do with themselves all day.
Ways you can incorporate systems is to have chore charts, time blocks and quiet times. Even after the kids are past their nap era they can still have quiet time for mama to reset!
Overwhelm can come from a lack of not knowing what you are doing each day, a plan, a system or rhythm to your day/week. Show your children the way, what they can expect and watch the peace fall!
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Abide, Abide, Abide
I can not stress this one enough! If you are a born again believer you should have a hunger for the word and to be in his presence. But let’s face it, life happens. The enemy comes in and discourages us, makes us feel less than and life problems can tire us out physically where opening the bible feels like lifting an elephant.
First things first, DO NOT agree with the shame that will try to swallow you up if you are not getting in the word daily. That DOES NOT come from our heavenly Father.
Ways you can stay fed and attached to Jesus are through prayer, reading the word, and worship. Worship being your obedience to Him and His word.
Prayer is great because you can literally talk to the Lord at any time of the day. When your doing laundry-pray, when your washing dishes-pray, when your on a walk with your kids-pray, when you are rocking your newborn-pray, when you are nursing a baby to sleep-pray.
There is not right way to get in the presence of the Lord other than to do so humbly and in faith that your Father hears you.
Now on to the word. If it feels hard to get in the word of God because life is hard, maybe print some verses out that will encourage you and tape them up all around the house. Or you can turn on a bible app to let it read to you!
Without Jesus, we will not get very far. So stay connected to Him, just like you are with your friends or those you love. A relationship with Jesus is crucial for our walk in this world. You can do all the things to combat stresses but if you are not in a relationship with Him, you can not produce the fruits such as (peace).
We all need some peace, am I right mamas! So why not walk with the author of peace Himself.
Overwhelm to Peace
These are just a few ways to begin the journey of removing that intense overwhelm from your life. Sure at times we all feel overwhelmed but we need to practice these things so that we don’t stay at a constant level of overwhelm.
Motherhood should be fun! We shouldn’t be burnt out each day waiting for bed time.
These 4 tips will help you to discover that overwhelm doesn’t have to hinder you from living and that Jesus died for you and for that weight your trying to carry around.
Let go, get still, set rhythms, abide in Jesus and then let Him flood you with His peace.
Grab a Freebie!
Having trouble staying in the word?? To grow good fruit you must abide in Him. Scroll to the bottom of this page to grab a free daily journal entry printable that will help you, as a busy mama, stay on track to spiritual growth!

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