9 Responsibilities of Biblical Homemakers.
These 9 responsibilities of biblical homemakers will serve as an anchor as to what the main focus needs to be in the home. As mothers and wives we have a high calling and responsibility to our husband, family, our children. They are our priority after God. In this post, take what works for you and your home and leave the rest but know, you are chosen, called and have the Lord by your side to carry you through it all.
What is a Biblical Homemaker?
When you cultivate a home with love, joy, peace, contentment on the foundation of the Lord, you are a biblical homemaker.
Having a house, and making a house a home are two totally different things. Sure, you can have all of the aesthetically pleasing decorations, furniture, trendy paint color and the best furniture money can by but if you don’t have love there, all you have is a cozy house.
Those material things are fleeting.
Making a house a home requires you as a child of God, to live out your life as a witness of the love of Jesus. Walking out the word, pursuing holiness, righteousness, being a temple of Holy Spirit. Yielding to him and surrendering your desires for His.
As mothers, we are the change for the next generation. What we do and say matters. You are either promoting Kingdom or World. Each thing you choose has meaning and your children and those around you are always watching. They are seeing what Jesus is doing through you and it should be that way. Be the bride of Christ. Be the remnant of God.
9 Biblical Homemaker Responsibilities.
#1 Abiding
Listing this one first. If we are not abiding, we are not thriving! Our family needs a thriving mother. Abiding in the Lord is the beginning of all good things. It’s where the spring begins. Do not miss this in your daily routine.
Speak with Him not just in a once a day prayer time but throughout your day. Involve Holy Spirit in every aspect of your day, He is our helper!
#2 Discipleship
A Biblical Homemaker is responsible for discipling their children. There are many scriptures that cover this topic but the one below is a mandate for all who are born again.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20
When the world is noisy and loud, we must quiet that noise and make God and His word, His will, LOUDER! Teaching the will of God is the single most important thing your children need to learn over all else. God’s word is a light, and they will need Him desperately to walk in this world.
#3 Honoring your Husband
For wives, this means submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the Savior of his body, the church. As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything. Ephesians 5:22-24
This scripture summarizes what it means to honor, to submit to our husband’s authority. It by no means, is meant for the husband to control but to love His wife like Jesus loves the church. But for wives, let us lift our husbands up, pray for them daily, support, let them lead and be there in love for them in any way we can. A happy marriage, with God at the center, equals a happy home!
#4 Prioritizing the Important things
With so many things grabbing at your attention, the key to being a biblical homemaker, is allowing Holy Spirit to cull things out of your life. If we are too distracted to hear God, we will go no where. Are your children involved in too many things that keep you away from your family, and the home?
Pray about this if you feel like you are overwhelmed in this area. For some, it may mean taking social media off your phones or getting rid of the TV. Making more time for play and nurturing with your family and less time with home tasks and chores.
Learn to simplify, so you can be at your best for your family.
#5 Making time for Prayer
This is crucial for any believer but especially a homemaker. Our prayer lives need to be burning hot. Don’t let the fire go out! Who else is going to pray for your husband, your children?
Our battles are fought in the prayer closet, the secret place, where we talk with God.
The bible says to pray without ceasing. Pray without stopping. All day, everyday. It is so important for us to do and builds our relationship with the Lord.
You can’t function without prayer.
#6 Choosing Nourishing meals
When you think about our physical bodies being a temple of the Lord, you want to treat it well, right? You wear appropriate clothing, brush your teeth, listen to uplifting music and keep your eyes from seeing the yuck that is on tv now days. But what about what we put in our mouths?
Food matters! As a homemaker you are responsible for choosing healthy meals for you and your family. Stay away from overprocessed snacks and packaged meals. Cooking from scratch and eating basic whole foods is very easy to do!
Check out Farmhouse On Boone for easy recipes your family will love! If you have any other favorite websites for good healthy foods, please share with me in the comments below!
#7 Spirit care over self care
As a homemaker, especially one who stays home to raise children, you will need to fill your cup to keep up with the demands of the everyday. There are differences in self care and soul care.
Be careful what the world tells you to do to keep up.
If we are not abiding, feeding our Spirit, then we will fail every time. Yes, your physical body needs rest, good food and hydration, but if you are not renewing your mind, you will fall into a dark deep abyss.
Our work as homemakers is a target for the enemy to gain a foothold. To get it in our heads that what we do doesn’t matter and that it’s mundane.
The truth is, our work does matter! It has tremendous impact for the Kingdom in many areas. Kingdom work is the real work mama!
Related Post: How to Achieve Biblical Motherhood
#8 Bringing Beauty to the Home
One fun responsibility of a homemaker is making the home beauty. This isn’t done by decorating but by creating beauty in the atmosphere. What music is playing? Is it uplifting or does it bring you down? What about the books you are reading to your children? Are they alive or boring.
Beauty is so much more than placing a vintage piece on the mantle, but it is also that too. You can find inexpensive pieces to add beauty to your home at local thrift stores or even repurpose what you already have.
#9 Children over Career
This one may be offensive to some, but hear me out.
If your biggest accomplishment in life was becoming what you sought to be in your career or business but failed your children, would you be ok with that?
I am not saying that all moms should stay home, but I am saying all moms, especially believers have the responsibility to raise their children in the Lord. It is not the job of your pastor or children’s pastor. It is on you.
Make them the priority over money. Make their salvation and feeding them spiritually daily your priority.
Related Post: The Importance of Homemakers
Homemaking is Kingdom
When you are stewarding your home well, raising up disciples, honoring your husband, this is all God’s will. It is Kingdom work!
The world needs more mothers who get in the trenches of teaching the next generation over building their own empires. To raise warriors for Christ Jesus.
What kind of impact do you think you could have on the future of the world by doing so? More people seeing you living out God’s word? In turn, wanting to know “how you do this or that”. That is your testimony! Live out your testimony!
You are a new creation, you are now serving the one true God! Let others see how well you love on your family and others around you. Bring others to Jesus by yielding and being available for the Holy Spirit to use you!
You have a mighty big God in your corner mama, you got this!
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