How to Choose the Best Curriculum for Beginner Homeschoolers.

It can be so hard to choose the best curriculum, especially if you are a beginner to homeschooling. I can still remember going over the many choices available to start my first child in preschool. If you are looking for the best curriculum packages, this post isn’t for you. That will be another topic for another day. This post is for those who want the best curriculum that will work with their family. With so many options out there it is important to choose wisely but also to give yourself grace if you make a mistake. You can ask any expert homeschool mom and they will tell you of the curriculum they have purchased, used a few times, and got rid of it. It literally is trial and error. I’m here to help you get an idea of how to choose the best curriculum for you!

how to choose the best homeschool curriculum

#1 What interests’ do your children have?

Before beginning your search, write down your child’s interests. What makes them light up? What gives them joy? Obviously there will be things that they will have to learn to love like math for instance. But, there are methods to teaching that isn’t one size fits all. All children are different and learn differently. For example, one of my children loves to do worksheets, color and learn about animals; the other loves to be outside, building with legos and hands on activities. They are not the same. So to find a curriculum that is all worksheet and book based, would not benefit the hands on learner but would captivate the other. You also need to keep in mind, you will be teaching. So choose something you both will enjoy to avoid burnout.

#2 What skills do you want your child to have when they leave home?

This is a tough thing to think about, I know. The last thoughts we want to begin our school year with is the thought of their last year and departing into the world. But with the world the way that it is, our children need to be fully equipped to enter into it with confidence. For us, we want our children grounded in the word of God, be able to have basic and some advanced life skills, good character and so on. Whatever it is, that is important to you, look for curriculum that has that.

# 3 What are your state laws?

Depending on where you live, this is an important one. You must know your laws so that you can keep the appropriate records of what you are teaching. The Homeschool Legal Defense Association is a fantastic resource to finding the requirements for where you live. Once you know your child’s interests and the skill set you want to achieve you can then, by your state laws, shop around for the best curriculum that suits your child uniquely.

As an added tip, sometimes, you don’t need a curriculum to learn many of the things you want your child to know. They learn by watching and doing. Let them in on your daily chore list, cooking, feeding the animals, cleaning, etc. There are so many things a “curriculum” isn’t needed for. Some answers in education lies within you as their mother to teach and to cultivate and then to release in faith to God that everything will work out.

With so many curriculums out there, it can get confusing to choose which is best. You may choose wrong and it’s ok if you do, we have all been there. One thing I will say, as a Kingdom Mom is to seek Holy Spirit in all you do, even when it comes to homeschool. You may not think to pray on this decision, but you need to do so. He will guide you! So pray, then step in faith and stop overthinking. You got this!

I highly recommend reaching out to your Senior Pastor for any issues you may be walking through for counseling. If you are alone and don’t have anyone else, please feel free to reach out if you want someone to come along side you and pray for breakthrough. Your information stays confidential.

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